How to Cook Air Fryer Bacon for Perfect Crispiness

If you’ve been craving perfectly crispy bacon without the mess and hassle, then mastering the art of air fryer bacon is just what you need.

Imagine indulging in that irresistible crunch without the guilt of excess grease.

The secret lies in the right combination of time, temperature, and technique.

But fear not, we’re here to guide you through each step, ensuring that your bacon comes out flawlessly crispy every time.

So, are you ready to elevate your bacon game and savor that delightful crunch?

Key Takeaways

  • Lay bacon flat in the air fryer basket and avoid overlapping for even cooking.
  • Adjust the cooking time and temperature based on your preference for texture.
  • Regular-cut bacon provides a crispy texture with chewiness, while thick-cut bacon offers a meatier and substantial bite.
  • Allow hot air to circulate around each strip and flip the bacon halfway through cooking for even crispness.

Ideal Air Fryer Bacon Crispiness

For the crispiest air fryer bacon, lay the strips flat in the basket and ensure they aren’t overlapping to allow for even cooking and optimal crispness. This method allows the hot air to circulate around each bacon strip, ensuring that they cook evenly and become perfectly crispy.

When cooking bacon in the air fryer, it’s essential to adjust the cook time and temperature based on your preference for bacon doneness. If you prefer a slightly chewy texture, you may opt for a shorter cook time and lower temperature, while those who enjoy crispy bacon will want to increase both the time and temperature.

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A recommended cook time for crispy bacon in the Ninja air fryer is around 8-10 minutes at 400°F, but this can be adjusted based on your desired level of crispiness. Additionally, flipping the bacon halfway through the cooking process can help achieve a more even crispness.

Choosing the Right Bacon

bacon a delicious decision

Select bacon slices that are either regular-cut or thick-cut based on your preference for thickness, as this will impact the cooking time in the air fryer.

For those who love a crispy texture with a bit of chewiness, regular-cut bacon is an excellent choice. If you prefer a meatier and more substantial bite, opt for thick-cut bacon. Thicker slices will require a slightly longer cooking time in the air fryer to achieve the desired crispiness.

When making bacon in the air fryer, ensure that the slices are arranged in a single layer in the air fryer basket. This allows the hot air to circulate evenly around the bacon, resulting in uniformly cooked bacon with a delightful crunch. You’ll want to avoid overlapping or layering the bacon slices, as this can lead to uneven cooking.

Preparing the Bacon Strips

bacon strips being cooked

To ensure your bacon cooks evenly and achieves the perfect crispiness, lay the bacon strips flat in the air fryer basket, avoiding any stacking or overlapping. Placing the bacon in a single layer allows the hot air to circulate around each strip, ensuring that they cook uniformly. This method is crucial for achieving that delightful crunch in every bite. If you’re working with thicker bacon slices, you may want to preheat the air fryer to give the bacon a head start on cooking, which can help in rendering the fat and achieving the desired level of crispiness.

After cooking, it’s essential to place the cooked bacon on paper towels to drain and absorb any excess bacon grease. This not only helps to reduce the overall fat content but also maintains the bacon’s crispiness. Additionally, flipping the bacon halfway through the cooking process ensures that both sides are adequately exposed to the hot air, resulting in a more consistent crispness.

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Cooking Time and Temperature

precise cooking time and temperature

When cooking bacon in an air fryer, it’s important to set the temperature and time according to the thickness of the bacon slices for optimal results.

For regular cut bacon slices, air fry at 350°F for 7-9 minutes for a softer texture and 8-9 minutes for a crispier outcome.

If using thick-cut bacon, adjust the cooking time to 9-10 minutes for a softer texture and 10-12 minutes for a crispy finish at the same temperature.

Preheating the air fryer isn’t necessary for cooking bacon, and there’s no need to add oil as the bacon will release its own grease.

To prevent smoking, it’s crucial to air fry at 350°F instead of reaching the smoke point of 400°F.

This temperature and time guidance ensures that your air fryer bacon is cooked to perfection, with the right balance of tenderness and crispiness.

Following these instructions will lead to delicious bacon that’s easy to prepare and leaves minimal mess, as the air fryer basket is easy to clean, unlike traditional oven cooking methods.

Perfectly Crispy Air Fryer Bacon

crispy bacon from air fryer

You’ve mastered the art of setting the right temperature and time for your air fryer bacon, now let’s focus on achieving that perfect crispiness.

To achieve the crispiest bacon in your air fryer, it’s essential to consider the thickness of the bacon slices. Thinner bacon tends to cook faster and become extra crispy due to the efficient air circulation in the air fryer.

Keep an eye on the bacon’s progress as it cooks to prevent it from becoming overly crispy. The air fryer’s efficient cooking method also results in reduced grease splatter, making it a less messy option compared to stovetop or oven cooking.

The result is perfectly crispy bacon without the hassle of cleaning up a greasy mess. The air fryer’s ability to drain excess fat away from the bacon as it cooks makes it a healthier option as well.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is the Best Way to Cook Bacon in an Air Fryer?

For the best way to cook bacon in an air fryer, preheat the air fryer to 400°F. Place the bacon slices in a single layer in the air fryer basket and cook for 8-10 minutes until crispy. Enjoy!

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How to Make Something Crispier in Air Fryer?

To make something crispier in the air fryer, you should ensure that the food is in a single layer, lightly coat with oil, and avoid overcrowding the basket. Preheating the air fryer and flipping the food halfway through can also help achieve perfect crispiness.

How Do You Keep Bacon From Splattering in an Air Fryer?

To keep bacon from splattering in an air fryer, place the slices in a single layer and consider cutting long pieces in half. Cooking at 350°F for 8-15 minutes ensures crispy bacon. Transfer the cooked bacon to a paper towel-lined plate to absorb excess grease.

Should You Put Water in the Bottom of an Air Fryer When Cooking Bacon?

You should not put water in the bottom of an air fryer when cooking bacon. It can create excessive smoke and splattering. Adjust the cooking temperature and clean the air fryer promptly to prevent smoking and maintain performance.


In conclusion, cooking bacon in the air fryer is a convenient and delicious way to achieve perfect crispiness. By following the recommended cooking time and temperature, selecting the right bacon, and laying the strips in a single layer, you can enjoy perfectly crispy bacon every time.

The air fryer method also helps reduce excess grease, making it a healthier option. So go ahead, give it a try and savor the irresistible crispiness of air fryer bacon.

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